Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Road Porn

I know it's not exactly legal. Or necessarily safe.

But it is awfully tempting.

It's right there. In the car with me. The ubiquitous portable DVD player.

I know. I know. I have other entertainment choices available to me on my commute. Talk radion, hours of it. FM hits. CD's - a whole wallet full of memories and new friends. Even Satellite radio and it's myriad of choices.

But still, it's there. A DVD player. Small. Portable. Totally innocent in it's main use as a kid aggression diverter.

But still, it's there. As is the other wallet full of porn DVDs.

Not altogether wise, I know.

But still, it's there. Right beside me on the seat on my 3 hour, highway speed, cruise-controlled, sparsely travelled, commute.

Right there, offering me a porn treat that I don't get in other settings of porn viewing - sound.

The full volume audio experience of, let's say theoretically, a lesbian slumber party video. All moans and giggles and high pitched "oh, my god.........". Thrilling, I would think.

Maybe balanced just so on my knee below the steering wheel.

Very tempting, don't you think.

Not that I would do that.
posted by Semi-Celibate Man @ 11:52 PM | 0 comments


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